As divorce is a very emotional and difficult time for most, it is very difficult to be objective in dealing with and resolving issues that arise in a dissolution proceeding. It is therefore especially beneficial to seek the advice of an experienced family law attorney who can help you understand your legal rights and advise you on the steps to take to protect your interests and accomplish your goals in the divorce. An experienced divorce attorney and mediator who has been an attorney for 34 years who can look at the situation objectively can greatly assist in resolving matters with less acrimony and less expense then if the parties allow their emotions to cause unnecessary delays and lead to uncompromising positions or taking action that is contrary to their best interests. Even if money is tight, choosing to do without legal representation can wind up being more costly in the long-run, and with less successful results to show for it. There have been recent efforts to simplify filing for a divorce, and there are forms available to prepare and submit to the Court to obtain a dissolution. However, to attempt to proceed with these forms without obtaining legal advice is extremely hazardous and can lead to additional delays and difficulties.